Taking the Guesswork Out of Design
This article from A List apart brings to bear a very simple yet detailed plan for designing a site. We’ve been told a thousand times as students to plan out and set goals. But this article lays out a groundwork that is easy to follow and understand. It also gives good reasons why you ought to do these things and how both the client and other design team members can benefit from this style of planning.
Attention maps? You’ve got my attention.
The article brings up the use of attention maps. This is a great planning strategy. It’s a visual map of your prioritized list of topics. This leads into actual page layout as well. It will help you visualize what should have the best real estate on your page. Also, the use of sliding scales to define opposing design traits is a great idea that allows people to quantify ideas. Instead of saying things like, “This looks too crazy.” It allows you to show how “Crazy” you might think something is. Great tip! Check out the article y’all.