Get outside the box to get outside the box.

I know I’ve written about inspiration before but that is always one of my sticking points. Getting started and getting inspired are my biggest stumbling blocks. I don’t know about you guys, but dang, just getting some of those first ideas rolling is my “Achilles Heel.”

This article by Micheal Shelton posted @ webdesignerdepot has some great tips to help get the creative juices flowing.

I especially like these ideas. finding an object, placing it on your desk and designing around it. Nice idea.

  1. Pulling a random word from the dictionary and formulating ideas incorporating the word is an interesting idea.
  2. Find an object, place it on your desk and design around it. Nice idea.
  3. Get back to art history
  4. Get out and take some pictures in nature

There are some really great ideas in this article. Definitely worth checking out.