Have you ever tried to redesign anybody else’s Markup? Well, if you haven’t yet, you probably will have to in the not too distant future. If that person used sloppy code and extraneous CSS you’re gonna want to hunt them down and strangle them with your mouse (assuming yours isn’t wireless, then you can always throw it like it was some sort of Ninja throwing mouse, but I’d opt for shoving it down their throat. All I’m saying is it just seems more effective to me.) But I digress…
Why should you focus on good clean valid code and streamlined CSS?
Because, as we all know, times are a changing and the Web and its related technologies are changing even faster. You might not always be the one doing the redesign. Somebody else will probably come along after you and have to redesign a site you worked on. If you didn’t use clean markup you better watch out for mouse-wielding designers with an angry look to them! (remember above scenario involving mouse violence?) Anyways, this is a great article from Alvaro Guzman at the Web Designer Depot is a great study of the importance of clean markup. Enjoy, and discuss amongst yourselves. You have the topic…