Avila Surfboards Website

Avila Surfboards

This was a class project to design a website for a real client in Adobe Flash. The client had some stipulations such as, we were to use their logo and color scheme and they wanted a particular image used for the background image. They had a set size and wanted particular pages created. This is my first site created entirely in Flash.

Click here to visit site: Avila Surfboards.

Rent Amador Website


This was a project where, as a team we were to redesign an existing Application based website. Our intent was to redesign any number of residential rental listing sites. This one is specific to Amador county but will eventually be available anywhere. I specifically worked on the usability (testing and application.) The design and PHP was done by James Hills.

S.P.O.R.T. Center Website

S.P.O.R.T. Center Website

This was a Web-Campaign project. The goal of this project was a web based marketing campaign for a fictional company. Primary tasks were to develop a corporate idendity (Logo), and create a multi-page site containing company info and contact form, and Email blast info page.
Click Here to visit site: S.P.O.R.T. Center Website

Ace Locksmith

Ace Locsmith Site

This is was a re-design of an existing site done for a class project. We were to find a site and give it a face lift. It was required to have a contact form in it and this was one of my first implementations of one.
Click here to visit site mock up: Ace Locksmith