
LG Dare Flash Ad

Last modified on 2014-02-05 05:30:34 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

lg_dare_thumbThis was one if my first forays into flash. I had just gotten an LG Dare and so when given an assignment to create an animated ad in flash this seemed like a great choice.

Avila Surfboards Website

Last modified on 2014-02-05 05:26:37 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

Avila Surfboards

This was a class project to design a website for a real client in Adobe Flash. The client had some stipulations such as, we were to use their logo and color scheme and they wanted a particular image used for the background image. They had a set size and wanted particular pages created. This is my first site created entirely in Flash.

Click here to visit site: Avila Surfboards.