Wow! They didn't think that this would be offensive?!?!
Here’s the commercial ad… BTW the Spanish government is trying to get this pulled in Spain right now.
Really? Nobody through the many steps that a design goes through thought that this might offend a few people? This would be pretty damn funny if they hadn’t made the “Luchador” a small person. But seriously, this is a stark reminder that what some people may find funny, others might just want to hunt you down in a large group with pitchforks and torches! I can’t help but think about our recent talks about market research and user testing. A commercial goes before a bunch of people before it ever makes it to air and a poster gets seen by a lot of people before it goes on display in public. Did they think to ask the Spanish community to look at this? I am honestly stunned when things like this happen this day and age. How’s about you?