Avila Surfboards Website

Avila Surfboards

This was a class project to design a website for a real client in Adobe Flash. The client had some stipulations such as, we were to use their logo and color scheme and they wanted a particular image used for the background image. They had a set size and wanted particular pages created. This is my first site created entirely in Flash.

Click here to visit site: Avila Surfboards.

Air Application

This was a project whose goal was to produce an Adobe Air Application using Adobe Flash. It integrated video, Flash, and Air technologies. The final product is a fully functional Air application meant to introduce viewers to my portfolio.

Click here to download: (Disclaimer… this application must be downloaded and installed to view.)

Ace Locksmith

Ace Locsmith Site

This is was a re-design of an existing site done for a class project. We were to find a site and give it a face lift. It was required to have a contact form in it and this was one of my first implementations of one.
Click here to visit site mock up: Ace Locksmith